RIP MACHINIMA - my thoughts

Описание к видео RIP MACHINIMA - my thoughts

Khail here! ex-ETC host and Machinima employee for 6 years (2008 - 2014). Having worked there for so long and created not only ETC but countless other shows, thought I'd at least give it a final send off as well

BTW didn't mean to sound like I don't do stuff on video anymore lol
I do a weekly livestream with a guest
And tweet out gigs I'm doing alllll the time. So make sure you follow me there

Other Machinima peeps thoughts
FunHaus (Inside Gaming)    • Our Thoughts on Machinima Videos Goin...  
ETC ricky and Eliot (Internet Today)    • EVERY Machinima Video Deleted? Former...  
Brett/ImmortaHD/UberHaxxorNova (Cow Chop)    • MACHINIMA THROWBACK, 10 YEAR CHALLENG...  

here's a reel I made of old and new stuff    • khailreel.jaypeg  



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