Python with Google Sheets: How to read & write using gspread

Описание к видео Python with Google Sheets: How to read & write using gspread

How to read and write from Google Sheets using Python.

This video is a continuation on my beginner series about using Python's Pandas library for data analytics work. You will learn how to use Python's gspread library to read and write data to Google Sheets. Additionally, you will learn how to transform data, as well as learn about code efficiency by creating custom functions.

This Google Sheet has the data in the tutorial if you would like to follow along. Please do not request edit access; please make a copy of the sheet:

Python is a programming language. You can implement Python in various environments including script files, notebooks, and terminal or command line. My preference is to code in a script file; my editor of choice is PyCharm.

gspread is a Python API for Google Sheets. You can read more about it here:

I'd like to express my appreciation for the contributors and developers of gspread. I use it every day and it has made my like so much easier.


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