Kerli & Rein Rannap | Eesti muld ja Eesti süda

Описание к видео Kerli & Rein Rannap | Eesti muld ja Eesti süda

Helilooja(composer and pianist): Rein Rannap
Sõnad(lyric): Lydia Koidula
Vabaduse Laul 20.08.2011
Tallinn. Estonia

Rein Rannap:
Lydia Koidula:

P.S. What's your favorite concert memory?

Kerli: It was probably at the big Independence Day Festival in Estonia. Estonians are very laid back people, they're not big into the whole fist-pumping thing, so a lot of bands are really relaxed when they played there. So at the end I decided to sing an old Estonian song that means a lot to the country, backed with a symphony orchestra, and when I started singing the first note of the song, all 70,000 people there were all sitting on the hill, and as I started singing the Estonian song everybody on the hill slowly started standing up. That was just a breathtaking moment. It gave me chills but for the whole time I was thinking, "Oh my god, I better not fuck up." [laughs] "If I mess up some of these lyrics they're going to hate me forever!"



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