Speedrunning EVERY RAID WING With an Ultra-Safe Comp!

Описание к видео Speedrunning EVERY RAID WING With an Ultra-Safe Comp!

I've always strongly argued in favour of the power of support in raids, and now it's time to put that to the test! I join forces with a squad of well-known raiders and take to the Aerodrome with a team composition like no other - no druid, Minstrel Chronomancer, Heal Tempest, and 6 SCOURGES! Through the mighty power of full DPS uptime, we smashed through every single raid wing in a little over 2 hours - only 17 minutes behind the old world record!

The rest of the team:
Subi (  / subi_qt  )
GigaSith (  / gigasith  )
Grimjack (  / im_grimjack  )
Plenyx (  / plenyx  )
MightyTeapot (  / mightyteapot  )

The logs
Vale Guardian: https://dps.report/Rzs0-20210627-2102...
Gorseval: https://dps.report/hNP1-20210627-2111...
Sabetha: https://dps.report/F3EL-20210627-2117...
Slothasor: https://dps.report/btR9-20210627-2120...
Matthias: https://dps.report/QRVo-20210627-2132...
Keep Construct: https://dps.report/ViUT-20210627-2146...
Xera: https://dps.report/LZd2-20210627-2153...
Cairn: https://dps.report/RjOw-20210627-2156...
Mursaat Overseer: https://dps.report/8Cyw-20210627-2159...
Samarog: https://dps.report/h9gH-20210627-2205...
Deimos: https://dps.report/Bwrf-20210627-2210...
Soulless Horror: https://dps.report/uvjs-20210627-2213...
Dhuum: https://dps.report/4rKF-20210627-2231...
Conjured Amalgamate: https://dps.report/lha0-20210627-2235...
Largos Twins: https://dps.report/KRaZ-20210627-2243...
Qadim: https://dps.report/XPOw-20210627-2252...
Cardinal Adina: https://dps.report/HdbM-20210627-2305...
Cardinal Sabir: https://dps.report/0iHn-20210627-2309...
Qadim the Peerless: https://dps.report/QeuQ-20210627-2316...

00:00:00 - Intro
00:05:10 - Vale Guardian
00:13:58 - Gorseval
00:18:29 - Sabetha
00:22:55 - Slothasor
00:26:06 - Bandit Trio
00:34:29 - Matthias
00:38:21 - Escort
00:44:40 - Keep Construct
00:53:25 - Xera
00:59:52 - Cairn
01:02:49 - Mursaat Overseer
01:04:51 - Samarog
01:10:46 - Deimos
01:15:53 - Soulless Horror
01:19:14 - Spirit Road
01:22:10 - Statues
01:30:54 - Dhuum
01:37:38 - Conjured Amalgamate
01:44:45 - Twin Largos
01:50:52 - Qadiim
02:06:00 - Cardinal Adina
02:10:58 - Cardinal Sabir
02:16:54 - Qadim the Peerless

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