2.4 Prevladavanje strahova i ograničavajućih uvjerenja - Rizicima

Описание к видео 2.4 Prevladavanje strahova i ograničavajućih uvjerenja - Rizicima

If we go back to our metaphor, we can say that risks are like a wetsuit that surfers wear. Basically, risks are a kind of means of protection, preparation, and adaptability. Taking calculated risks, like wearing a wetsuit, allows you to navigate the unpredictable waters of entrepreneurship with confidence, preparedness, and a greater potential for success.


The Self Leadership course is part of the CAPSULE program, a European Erasmus+ program, organized in Romania, Hungary, and Croatia by Impact Hub Bucharest, Impact Hub Budapest, Impact Hub Zagreb, and Career Shift, which aims to support young women in developing their entrepreneurial spirit by creating a solid learning community, mentoring sessions, coaching, and entrepreneurial skills development.


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