Ensuring Integrity in Scientific Publications in the face of AI

Описание к видео Ensuring Integrity in Scientific Publications in the face of AI

Note this is a video recording of an online meeting conducted using the Zoom.us platform. Inevitably such recordings suffer a little in terms of their production values because of the internet connectivity and quality of webcams. Despite that, they allow us to provide additional valuable insights in to the MedComms business and we can involve a wider range of speakers who can participate from the comfort of their own desks, wherever in the world they are.

Instances of peer-reviewed publications now appearing in their final published form with obvious AI prompts still included in the text, have sparked lively social media discussion about the basic integrity of the scientific publications process. Is it in fact fit for purpose? In this webinar, we will talk about the practicalities involved in publishing a peer-review paper and who is involved in what steps. We'll discuss how AI tools are already being used by authors, other contributors, peer-reviewers and the production teams themselves. We'll highlight the pitfalls and we'll think about how these tools can be built into the process while maintaining the high level of trust in the integrity of scientific publishing that is so important for everyone. On our panel we will be joined by Laura Dormer (Becaris Publishing), Hamish McDougall (SAGE Publishing) and Jonathan Patience (Taylor and Francis). And we answer questions from the audience.

It should be of interest to anyone who is working in and around MedComms, or who is wanting to join the business.

Recorded 22 May 2024 as a MedComms Networking webinar. Produced by NetworkPharma.tv

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Laura's LinkedIn page is at   / lauradormer  

Find out more about Becaris Publishing at https://becaris.com/

Hamish's LinkedIn page is at   / hamish-mcdougall-73398764  

Find out more about SAGE Publishing at http://www.sagepub.co.uk/

Jonathan's LinkedIn page is at   / jonathan-patience-679b1224  

Find out more about Taylor and Francis at http://taylorandfrancis.com/

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We are building a library of free webcasts and other video content for the global MedComms Community and others at https://networkpharma.tv and we'd welcome your suggestions for new content.

[For the avoidance of doubt: this video is intended to be freely accessible to all. Please feel free to share and use however you like. Cheers Peter Llewellyn, Director NetworkPharma Ltd and Founder of the MedComms Networking Community activity at https://medcommsnetworking.com]


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