Sometimes Overlooked Kemah and Seabrook, Tx. A Great Day or Weekend Stay.

Описание к видео Sometimes Overlooked Kemah and Seabrook, Tx. A Great Day or Weekend Stay.

One of my favorite places to day trip. Sorry for the color of the water; the channel has a very low bottom which the passing boats stir up pretty easily. The north side of the channel is Seabrook, which has yet to fully recover from Hurricane Ike in 2008. One of the things I like to do in Seabrook is get the freshest fish from the area fish markets. (Yea, dat's how I go fishin') This area is usually bypassed by out of state visitors on their way to Galveston, which is more of a tourist area.

Music credits:
"Dreams" and "Going Higher" by

Also, I had to over-dub myself at the end as my cell phone mike wasn't up to the task while I was on site. Not the best of sync. Workin' on it.


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