The Peaceful Decline of Kassite Babylon - Oldest Stories Podcast

Описание к видео The Peaceful Decline of Kassite Babylon - Oldest Stories Podcast

Today we watch the decline of Kassite Babylon, from which distressingly little survives. We look at the prosperity they have acheived, and the ultimate hollowness of its economic foundations, before the long standing rivalry between Assur and Babylon re-ignites with disasterous consequences for the ancient city of Marduk.

Notes for the episode are on the webpage at

The Oldest Stories podcast tells the history and myth of bronze age Mesopotamia beginning with the first written clay tablets circa 3000 BCE. Using their stories and histories, we can learn a great deal about the people of the ancient world and see how the people of the very first civilizations were not all that different from us nowadays, except of course for the places where they were very different. The past is a foreign country after all.

This youtube channel is an extension of the Oldest Stories podcast, and is also available on any good podcasting app, or at the website Also, I hang out over at a mythology discord with some good folks who know quite a lot about a broad range of topics   / discord  . New episodes release will be once a week each Wednesday.


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