Digital Twin: The Super Technology for Advanced Agility, Cost Saving, and Risk Mitigation

Описание к видео Digital Twin: The Super Technology for Advanced Agility, Cost Saving, and Risk Mitigation

Is your organization ready to use digital twin technology to improve operations, productivity, and competitiveness? Businesses can improve their agility and mitigate risks by utilizing virtual models to collect data, simulate, test, design, and optimize products.

Dan Isaacs, GM & CTO of Digital Twin Consortium, shares expert insights on how digital twin is transforming businesses across multiple industries, and how organizations can integrate this technology into their operations and business strategy.

Access the full interview here:

During the session, we will discuss:
- How has digital twin technology impacted various industries, and why is it considered a game-changer?
- What technologies are needed to implement digital twins, and how complex is the process?
- What questions do you need to ask when evaluating digital twin technology?
- What are the pros and cons of implementing digital twins in your business?
- How do you get board, leadership, and executive buy-in and sponsorship for digital twin technology?
- How do companies estimate the ROI for a digital twin?
- What skills are needed within your workforce to successfully implement and manage digital twin technology?


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