Ibrahim Traore Tells Burkina Faso To Ready For A Turning Point

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Captain Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso is proving that war against terrorism in Africa can be won. Following weeks of multiple air strikes targeting different groups of terrorists, Ibrahim looks set to press on with several land operations. The aim is to put an end to all insurgents groups especially around the border with Mali that is a hot bed of terrorist activities.

Determined to take back occupied Burkina Faso territories , Captain Ibrahim has recently appointed officials to visit Ghana, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast and Mali to intimate displaced Burkina Faso people that the time to return and resettle back in their home is near.

Just recently  on the 8 of November, around twenty terrorists were forced from an advanced post in their base after fierce resistance from the Burkina Faso military. Report says the terrorists fled towards the north, stationing under trees to treat their wounded men. The Burkina Faso military air force quickly followed them and struck them from the air. On the same day the air force  fighters spotted another formation of terrorists a few kilometers away and attacked their position. Over the past few months, the Burkina Faso military under the direction of captain Ibrahim Traore has neutralized several terrorists formations in the country, capturing weapons, and ammunition and motorcycle

President Ibrahim Traoré, has invoked the spirit of greater integrity and self-sacrifice during a national flag-raising ceremony at the Presidential Palace. Ibrahim, is renowned for his social initiatives and compassionate assistance towards the most vulnerable members of society.

Ibrahim philosophy in Burkina Faso revolves around the principle of solidarity. He asserts that without unity among the populace, no endeavor can prosper. He emphasizes the need to prevent political factions from fragmenting the population. Alino Faso is steadfast in his belief that the united people of Burkina Faso can navigate the nation out of its current crisis and pave the way for a prosperous future.

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