How to Make Greek Butter Cookies | Easter Koulourakia

Описание к видео How to Make Greek Butter Cookies | Easter Koulourakia


Makes roughly 6 dozen cookies
Timing: 30 minutes prep, 2 hours resting, XX baking
Equipment needed: hand mixer

2 sticks room temperature butter
1 ½ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs plus one yolk
½ cup orange juice
½ tsp baking soda
3 tsp baking powder
6 ½ cups flour
Food dye, I use pink, green, purple and orange
2 tbsp water
Fun Easter sprinkles

Add your softened butter to a large mixing bowl, and mix it to soften even further.
Add your sugar to the bowl, and cream together until they are well incorporated and begin to become fluffy.
Add your 1 tsp vanilla, and continue beating until incorporated
Add your baking soda into your orange juice, and let it begin to bubble. Slowly add into your butter mixture and mix until combined.
Once combined, with your mixer on, add one egg at a time. Make sure to add each egg only after the one prior has been fully combined.
Add your baking powder into your flower, and lightly whisk to combine.
Slowly add your flower into the wed mixture, using your hand mixer to combine, until you have about one cup of flower left to add.
Using your hands to mix, add the remaining flower slowly and knead to cully combine.
Once dough is fully combined, it should no longer be sticking to your hands.
I split the dough into four equal parts, and using gloves, I take one portion of dough and add food dye and knead until fully combined. You can add as much or as little food coloring as you want, the less you use the more muted the colors will be. The more dye you use the more vibrant the colors will be. (I use green, orange, pink and purple). Repeat this step for all colors.
Once all of your dough is dyed, you can place each color dough in a zip lock and refrigerate for a minimum of two hours.
Once ready to roll remove your dough from the refrigerator when you’re ready to bake. Preheat your oven to 350.
Take about a 1’’ ball of dough, and roll out evening to about 9’’ long and about ½’’ thick. In your hands, fold the dough in half, and twist the two legs three times. And place directly on your baking sheet (I use nonstick baking sheets, but if you don’t have some make sure to place down parchment paper.)
Continue step 13 until all of your dough has been used. You can place your cookies about a half inch away from the others on the baking sheet. These cookies will not spread when baking.
Once all of your cookies are formed, brush the tops of your cookies with a simple egg wash (one yolk mixed with two tbsp water) and add some fun Easter sprinkles on top.
Bake your cookies for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let them cool completely.


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