Ang Pangangaral ng Ebanghelyo - Romans

Описание к видео Ang Pangangaral ng Ebanghelyo - Romans

Morning Sermon
Date: 7-Nov-2021
Text: Romans 10:13-15
Title: The Proclamation of the Gospel - Romans 10:13-15(24-Oct-2021 Ptr Jeremiah)
Youtube: Ang Pangangaral ng Ebanghelyo - Romans 10:13-15 (7-Nov-2021 Ptr Jeremiah)
Sermon Series: Expository Series on the Book of Romans

SR: Isaiah 13:11-22
Morning Message:
Text: Romans 10:13-15

Criticism of those who reject doctrine of election: no need to evangelize

But, the means for the elect to receive the message of the Gospel is the preaching of the Gospel (see 2 Tim.2:10)

A clear presentation of the Gospel message must precede true saving faith.

1. The Gospel must be proclaimed
Preached by the "sent ones" (isinugo).
Matt.28:18-20, Rom.1:1-2, Acts 26:16-18
Romans 10:14-15 - specific for those called to preach, yet dont excuse each believers to testify, witness (euangelidzo) for Christ.

The heralds (keruso) duty is to proclaim, not all believers are called to be heralds.
a. God gives so much desire for the work to the herald and providences lead him there and there is burden for souls and for the glory of God.
b. The local church recognizes, confirms and sets apart the heralds (see 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Tim.4:14)
The church gives particular regards to those who preach (1 Tim. 5:17)
2 Tim 4:2 - the duties of the heralds
But remember, the "nobodys" in the church are sent through their prayers and intercession too!

2. The Gospel must be heard and believed
Kerygma - the sent message
Luke 10:16 -if a person rejects the gospel message, he rejects Christ
Isaiah 53:1 -there must be intellectual understanding
Matt.11:15 -let him who hear
Salvation demands believing and calling on Christ

3. The believer calls upon the Name of the LORD
Acts 4:12 -no other name to call
Have you called on Christ's name yet?

Rom.10:15 -quote: how beautiful are the feet of those bringing good news (See Isaiah 52:7)
David served God in his generation.
There is great responsibility on the herald.
1 Tim.4:6 -there is beauty in the faithfulness of the preacher


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