"CASINO BLITZ" (Demon) by Danke, Grax, pocke & more [All Coins] | Geometry Dash 2.2

Описание к видео "CASINO BLITZ" (Demon) by Danke, Grax, pocke & more [All Coins] | Geometry Dash 2.2

Ayup is back with another banger megacollab, the fourth level of the "Blitz" series, which they have been hyping up through Ayup Street Journal for a while now. It definitely delivers thematically, and because of that, I'd say it's my favorite thus far. Every part utilizes the casino theme really well both visually and gameplay-wise. There are so many cool artworks, designs, backgrounds, and effects that work perfectly with the theme, and they all mix colors really well too. What makes it fit the theme even better is that a lot of the visuals and gameplay are randomized, just like in the games you find in a casino. A simple one is which die you have to go through at 0:22, but a whole sequence of parts is also randomized at 1:27. Here, the order of the next 4 parts is entirely randomized. This kind of randomization does make it a bit harder to play, with many parts being unpredictable on top of some crazy visuals. I believe they are nerfing some of the fast timings before release, with the goal being an Easy Demon rating. The version in this recording is probably more like a Medium Demon, but we will see how the released version plays. It will be fun to see what rating this gets, with an Epic rating being the minimum in my opinion.

Gold. 3/4. The coins in this level are all great. They are all hidden and require extra skill compared to the normal route. In addition to that, the theming of them tie into the level well. What makes these coins even more special is that you have 2 chances to get them. You can get them as explained in the paragraphs below for each, and if you don't, you have a chance to roll them at 1:52! In this slot machine, if you get 3 coins in a row, a single of the real coins are rewarded if you didn't get all of them. However, note that this idea has been done in the level "Royal Flush" by Platnuu before, which is why it doesn't bring them all up to Viprin Certified for originality.

1st Coin: Gold. At 0:17, you have to fall up (and not click), which takes you to a gun collectable. This comes back at 0:39, and you use it to shoot open the glass with the first coin at 0:41, featuring a fitting SFX, allowing you to get the coin. Normally this is closed off because of the glass. I like how they gave the coins a poker chip design to suit the theme, and the collectable for this coin looks great too. Finding the gun can take a bit unless you know where it is, but overall this coin isn't much harder than the normal route.

2nd Coin: Gold. The second coin is similar to the first as it requires a special toggle to reach the coin later. At 0:35, you have to hit the red button right above Arb's name, which makes the Arb penguin statue shoot a 8-ball all the way into zipi's part at 1:06. This destroys part of the structure and releases the coin into the normal route, which is normally locked inside of the design. Once again, this has some really nice visuals to it, as well as being hidden. Hitting the button, although being done before, takes some extra skill too. Still, this like the first, is basically just a collectable into coin with cooler visuals, and nothing that new conceptually which is required for Viprin Certified.

3rd Coin: Viprin Certified. The third coin, though, is the most original out of the three. At 1:15, each of the structures represent cards, and to get the coin you have to touch structures that add up to 21 like in Blackjack. This is unlike any coins I've seen in the game before. I really like how there are different solutions to it in that you can touch a different set of structures to get 21 in total; what I did is only one solution. It takes some time to figure out while also requiring extra skill, as avoiding the necessary structures is quite tricky. At 1:21, a character called Poker, as Danke told me, rewards you with the coin with a nice animation. Note that in this video, it bugged and I didn't actually get the coin even though I solved it, likely due to my refresh rate, which is why the third coin is visible on the slot machine at 1:54. This means that that specific coin is there to play for. If you get none in the normal way, all three will be shown and you can play for them as explained above. At 1:59, you can see me get 3 coins in a row on the machine, rewarding the third coin. The bug worked nicely to showcase how this works.

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Game (version): Geometry Dash (2.2)
Level: "CASINO BLITZ" by KINGTONY, Suixam, talia, Kips, pocke, Gusearth, benja2612, iZale, Arb, Jambees, Dominus, mbed, Grax, zipi, Hypno, kr1t, Jghost, connot, Danke, Kruso, Toomis, XxJ0SHxX, Epxa and Fault
ID: 109162755
Music: "SIREN PARTY" by Tangermusic

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