Casi todos los males - Future Unknown?

Описание к видео Casi todos los males - Future Unknown?

This tremendous labor of love championing the spirit of the compilation as an art form, recorded over the past two-and-a-half years by Casi todos los males, is in company with the most special releases Vivarium has ever helmed. 'Future Unknown?' is a particularly affecting work of art to us, an album that could only have emerged under the conditions of this particular label, conditions set entirely by the wonderful community of talented artists who pooled their talents back in 2019 to create our very first compilation album, 'Future Unknown'. The album before you is a highly eclectic, genre-bending work from the indelible Casi todos los males, who in the lead to the sequel compilation, 'Future Unbound', sought to compose a six-part-album, each ensuing song built out of the tracks corresponding with the six chapters of the original compilation.

The naming convention of this project distills the artist's feelings on the nature of 'the remix' as a sort of musical dialectic. In remixing a track, we are asking a question of it - while of one style, can it be transmuted into something other? The original work always endures in link with the newly contextualized reimagining, the echo of the call always a trace in the response. Thus does Casi todos los males interrogate the essence of the 2019 compilation by way of imbuing it with their own DNA. This approach references, of all the curious sources to have bound together its largely vaporware-influenced source material, the Napalm Death songs 'Life?' and 'Success?'. The pessimistic philosophy of those tracks is reflected acutely in the sample of Noam Chomsky on the final track, 'Destroy Ourselves', challenging the optimistic unknown with the certainty that we are, indeed, fucked. Yet, despite this grim thesis, 'Future Unknown?' simultaneously offers testament to the power of art as a transformative agent, preserving a glint of the original vision's earnest longing for progress through its maelstrom of deconstruction.

VR_167 | Released August 2nd, 2024

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