[PSR-SX600] Crying in the Rain

Описание к видео [PSR-SX600] Crying in the Rain

German: Da die kleinste Yamaha Workstation, was die User-Videos angeht, etwas unterrepräsentiert erscheint, teile ich dieses Video in erster Linie zur Demonstation der technischen Möglichkeiten.

English: As the smallest Yamaha Workstation seems quite a bit underrepresented considering user videos, I share this video to show the possibilities of this great little arranger keyboard.

(Default) Style: EpicBallad, Tempo: 88
Voices Registration 1: /Piano/Concert Grand + /Strings & Voices/SynthStrings1
Voices Registration 2: /Woodwind/PanPipes + /Strings & Voices/SynthStrings1
Voices Registration 3: /Guitar/CovertGuitar+ /Guitar/ElectroAcoustic


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