हिंदू बहु का मायके से अच्छा मुस्लिम ससुराल | Hindu Bahu Ka Mayke Se Achha Sasural | Sas Bahu Kahani

Описание к видео हिंदू बहु का मायके से अच्छा मुस्लिम ससुराल | Hindu Bahu Ka Mayke Se Achha Sasural | Sas Bahu Kahani

#हिंदू_बहु_का_मायके_से_अच्छा_मुस्लिम_ससुराल_|_Hindu_Bahu_ Ka_Mayke_Se_Achha_Sasural_|_Sas_Bahu_Kahani#



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Title --- Muslim in-laws are better than Hindu daughter-in-law's maternal home.


Hindu Multi-Kiran...
Age – 23 years...

Kiran's mother - Shakuntala...
Age - 50 years...

Kiran's brother - Rajeev...
Age - 25 years...

Kiran's husband - Sahil...
Age - 26 years...

Sahil's mother - Hamida...
Age - 50 years...

Sister-in-law - Najma...
Age – 22 years...

Side characters - Kiran's father Hariom..

Narration - Kiran lived with her mother, father and brother... Although Kiran's family was rich... but still Kiran was not happy living among them...

Kiran - Mother... I am going to college...

Shakuntala - Just come here... I told you that you will go to college only once in a month...

Kiran - Mother, my exams are coming... at least I will have to go to college three times a month...

Shakuntala - There is no need to worry so much about exams etc.. Anyway, why do you want to pass exams and become a minister?

Kiran - Mother, why do you behave like this with me? Even if brother goes to college continuously for the whole month, you will not say anything to him.

Shakuntala - Because Rajiv is a boy... and he will take care of us in the future... Do you understand what you mean... You are unnecessarily wasting our money...

Narration - Shakuntala told many things to Kiran without any reason... They were rich but their thinking was very small... That is why both the parents used to differentiate between their own daughter and son... Shakuntala told her The son was left like a free bird and it was as if the daughter's feet were tied with chains...

Scene 2

Narration - Days were passing like this... Kiran used to come to her college only once or twice a month with great difficulty... and even today Kiran had come to her college only...

Kiran - Oh no, when did our classroom change?

Narration - Kiran started roaming around the entire college... she could not find her classroom...

Kiran - Excuse me.. Can you tell me where the BBA second semester class is going on?

Sahil - Ahhh... no... actually I am also searching for BBA second semester classes... but it is too late... I am not able to find anything...

Kiran - There is still one place left... let us go there and see...

Narration - Sahil and Kiran started searching for their classroom together. And after some time they got it...

Kiran - Finally we succeeded...

Sahil - Thank you... I did not know about this path...

Kiran - No one... come inside quickly otherwise we won't even be able to find a seat to sit...

Narration - Sahil and Kiran went inside... All the seats inside were packed... Kiran saw a vacant seat in the corner. Sahil and Kiran sat on that seat itself...

Sahil - Have you come to college for the first time?

not Kiran...

Sahil - Then how did you get lost?

Kiran - I am rarely able to come...

Sahil - Okay... Well, there is no benefit in coming to college so rarely...

Kiran - I know but... leave it... have you come today for the first time?

Sahil - Hmm...something like that...

Kiran – Your name?

Sahil - Sahil... and your identity?

Kiran - Kiran...

Narration - Both of them told each other their respective names... and in this conversation Sahil and Kiran became friends...

Kiran - Sahil, I didn't realize how time passed while talking with you...

Sahil - Me too...

Kiran - Can you give me your phone number? Look don't misunderstand me... Actually my family is strict so I can't come to college regularly... But if I have your phone number then...

Sahil - Okay, okay, I understand...

Narration - Sahil gave his phone number to Kiran... From now on, Kiran used to get all the information from Sahil even without going to college... and on this pretext their friendship also got confirmed... and in the midst of all this, Sahil Had also understood the atmosphere of Kiran's house...

Kiran - Sahil Maa is coming, I will talk to you later...


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