A new DARK ZONE for Division 2 YEAR 6 Brooklyn DLC?

Описание к видео A new DARK ZONE for Division 2 YEAR 6 Brooklyn DLC?

Thank you to Ubisoft for providing me with Game/Content.
#division2 #thedivision2 #thedivision3 #ubisoftpartner #ad #ubisoft #gaming

Could we be looking at a new / 4th Dark Zone as part of the Brooklyn DLC in Year 6 Season 3 (early 2025)?

With Division 3 far away (most likely 2027-2028) could a large DLC with a level increase to 50, also introduce a new / larger Dark Zone.... to keep us busy for the next few years?

Add a comment on what you think will be part of the Brooklyn DLC or what you want!

AZTEK Paintball


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