State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition Review: A Game Worth a Revisit

Описание к видео State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition Review: A Game Worth a Revisit

State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition is basically an overhaul to the original title of State of Decay 2. With that being said there is plenty in this major update to have us return to the harsh world and do a State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition Review. State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition features a beautiful new map based in the foothills of a mountain. Providence Ridge is the name of this State of Decay 2 new map. State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition will also feature new heavy weapons and we talk about how good are heavy weapons juggernaut edition. Sit back and relax as we show footage of State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition gameplay in a cinematic style, as we give our thoughts on this already amazing title.

State of Decay 2 is a horror survival game sequel to State of Decay developed by Undead Labs and published by Microsoft Game Studios. It released on May 22nd, 2018 for both Xbox One and PC, with an early release date of May 18th for owners of the game's Ultimate Edition. State of Decay 2 offers a vast open world game divided into three different maps, each with its own setting and locations. The player assumes the role of a procedurally generated character, and in given time recruit new members to their cause in order to maintain an entire community. Combining elements from survival horror, role-playing and action adventure games, State of Decay offers a wide variety of elements that help define a personal community experience that is constantly evolving and always different from player to player.

Heartland features a return to Trumbull Valley in a new story-based adventure. Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencer’s Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else. Though it may be familiar territory to those who homesteaded here years ago, Trumbull Valley is packed with new dangers… and unspeakable horrors.

Daybreak is a State of Decay 2 DLC co-op Zombie siege defense mode for up to 4 players online. Where you play as a Random Red Talon (Volunteer) Soldier to Defend a Technician against the zombie horde. Your objective: Keep the Technician Alive & Survive until Daybreak. The siege mode consists of 7 waves that are 5 min. each. Standing between the zombies and the technician there is a wall. The wall consists of several panels that may or may not need to be repaired during the fight or between waves if they become heavily damaged. When you first load in, there will be a heavily damaged wall that will need to be repaired with a repair kit that every player starts with in their inventory. Any player can repair a wall panel so long as they have a repair kit in their inventory. You will also notice 3 boxes at the very back. These boxes start you of with a moderate amount of supplies & equipment to help get you through your first couple of waves. The first 2 waves must be done with what you have on hand and what's in the boxes in the back. After that, CLEO will drop air support containers to aid you in your survival. It is vital to retrieve and loot these resupply containers after every wave. Don't forget to share with your teammates if you have them. You will have approximately 2 mins. between waves to do just that. If the Technician is wounded during the fight you can heal them using a bandage from your inventory if you have one as long as they are not in combat. To do this go to the back of the technician while they are preparing the device and use the button prompt.

Declare your independence from tyrannical zombie hordes with this exciting array of fiery, flashy new toys for your State of Decay 2 community!

State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition is a free update to State of Decay 2. The update adds a new map, updated graphics, a new set of weapons, overhauled tutorial, and new missions.

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