Devil Blows the Desert Winds (Lyric Video)

Описание к видео Devil Blows the Desert Winds (Lyric Video)

Finally, the last chapter of Deserto, the lyric video (almost a short movie) of Devil Blows the Desert Winds. Awesomely crafted by Gabby Vessoni ([email protected]), the lyrics and images (taken from loved classic movies and paintings) try to tell the history of the War of Canudos, a conflict between the republican forces and the population of Belo Monte, which was loyal to the fallen Empire and to the catholic faith.

Hope you all enjoy it!

The music is one of the three versions of the last song of the album, which tells the history of the War of Canudos, waged between the forces of the sebastianist lay preacher, Antônio Conselheiro, and of the dictatorial brazilian first republic. Antônio Conselheiro taught his followers about the infamy of the Republic and the right of every christian to rise against its dominion. We, brazilians, are often portrayed, even by our intelligentsia, as a cordial people. It’s time to begin reading our revolutionary history, so that we can understand what truly means to be brazilian. We are oppressed, but we stand unbent. This “Short Version” was designed so that you can jog while listening to the song. "Devil blows the Desert Winds" has a theme that reflects the anguish and hope of our people through the ages, in the case of a punctual fact, that, at the same time that is punctual, repeats itself every day, never in the magnitude of the story in this song told, however. We had the opportunity to reflect on the oppression that the infamous government of this glorious country imposes on our people. Using excerpts from the classic "Os Sertões", by Euclides da Cunha, and "Mensagem", by Fernando Pessoa, we might experience the fortress that the brave last four defenders of Canudos drew of their faith, reflected in the Sebastianism present in Antonio Conselheiro's preaching, to fight a system they considered unfair and malevolent. We hope that this song is for you what was for us: an end, and a beginning. Who wants to know more about Canudos, there is an excellent film, starring José Wilker (which can be found here:    • Guerra de Canudos - filme completo  ). For those who want to go further deep in the subject, here's the book by Euclides da Cunha (which is the Great Book on the subject - as well as being one of the classics of Brazilian literature) that has fallen in public domain: Who want to learn a little more about Sebastianism (and on our Aragorn, who will return one day from the desert): And on the book of Fernando Pessoa:

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