WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA TRAVEL VLOG ◆ Carolina Beach, State Park, Historic Downtown, & River Walk

Описание к видео WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA TRAVEL VLOG ◆ Carolina Beach, State Park, Historic Downtown, & River Walk

Come join me as I explore Carolina Beach and historic Wilmington, North Carolina!

This past week I had the unexpected chance to visit my 42nd state - and I took it. 😀

After many flight cancellations prevented me from getting home to Chicago from Atlanta while flying standby, I decided to make the best of my stranded situation and I instead hopped on a short flight to Wilmington, NC to wait out the over-sold planes!

I had never been to NC before, and I was in for such a pleasant surprise!

I loved the extremely kind people that I met, as well as the charming and historic downtown and River Walk in Wilmington. Plus, since I had chosen to stay in nearby Carolina Beach, I was able to go for a walk in the sand, lounge by a pool, and eat some delicious seafood!

What a life, I must admit! Hoping that I can go back to this paradise soon with Derek!

Enjoy the video! Cheers, and happy travels!

Means To Travel Founder

Note: product links below may be affiliate links, where Means To Travel LLC might make a small commission if a purchase is made.

◆ Mentioned In Video:

Hotel: https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/ilmh...

Carolina Beach State Park: https://www.ncparks.gov/carolina-beac...

Port City Java: https://www.portcityjava.com/

Swahili Coast:   / swahili_coast_design  

Lure: http://www.lureusa.com/

Threve Mercantile: https://www.threvemercantile.com/

Shuckin’ Shack: https://www.theshuckinshack.com/locat...

◆ Eliz’s Attire:

White eyelet peplum top: https://goto.target.com/qnLmyO

Black headband: https://goto.target.com/JrvO2N

Sunglasses: https://amzn.to/3jnTbaA

Blue tank top: https://bit.ly/AthletaMomentumTank

White cardigan: https://bit.ly/BodenWhiteCrewneckCard...

Pearl ring: https://bit.ly/CorazonModernPearlRing

Envirosax Foldable Beach Bag: https://amzn.to/3O1FFYv

◆ Our Filming Gear:

Do you like the music in our videos? Here’s a link for you to get a free trial to access THOUSANDS off royalty-free songs!: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra...


Cell Phone Lav Microphone: https://amzn.to/3nvscuN

Windscreen for Lav microphone: https://amzn.to/2GRdIo8

Camera: https://amzn.to/2ZDA9DS

GoPro Hero 7 Package: https://amzn.to/2FuGESC (new 2022 camera is GoPro Hero 10)

iPhone iPhone 12 Pro

In Studio:

External Microphone: https://amzn.to/3hnSVot

Microphone Wind Shield: https://amzn.to/3cdmJ6F

Tripod: https://amzn.to/2ZDCaQ8

LED ring light: https://amzn.to/2HqA7Jc

Lavalier microphone: https://amzn.to/300jHgQ

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◆ About Me:
Hi! I’m Eliz, short for Elizabeth, and I am a travel and lifestyle vlogger sharing knowledge and inspiration that I’ve gained through years of frequent travel. Follow along to experience more meaningful travel, and find the means to get there!

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◆ About This Video:

Filmed & Edited by Eliz Armstrong Zacarias at Means To Travel LLC

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video. All opinions expressed are wholly my own. However, the above links to products are affiliate links and any Means To Travel LLC may earn a small commission from any purchases made.

Category: Travel http://bit.ly/YoutubeTravelTopic

#travel #travelvlog #northcarolina #wilmington #carolinabeach #visitnorthcarolina #solofemaletravel #hamptoninn


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