CRAZY!! NEW Era KOBE Type SNEAKER! WADE 808 4 ULTRA! DETAILED First Impressions!!

Описание к видео CRAZY!! NEW Era KOBE Type SNEAKER! WADE 808 4 ULTRA! DETAILED First Impressions!!

In this video, we finally explore one of the most anticipated releases of 2024. The Wade 808 V4 Ultra. We dive into the good, the bad and the in-between. Let's see if these are the right shoes for you!

This is the only Wade 808 V4 Ultra review you'll ever need.

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00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Great: Traction
02:25 - Great: Traction Durability
03:06 - Great: Stability
06:31 - Great: Weight
07:21 - Great: Materials
11:24 - Good: Cushion
17:22 - Good: Fit & Comfort
19:36 - Good: Ease of Putting on/Taking Off
21:04 - Good: Breathability
22:22 - Good: Visual Appeal
23:34 - Good: Innovation
25:54 - Good: Price
27:01 - In Between: Style Versatility
28:20 - Overall Summary

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