ইউটিউব - যাত্রা ও উত্থান । History & Rise of YouTube

Описание к видео ইউটিউব - যাত্রা ও উত্থান । History & Rise of YouTube

YouTube, the world's most popular online video streaming platform. With nearly 2.3 billion users worldwide, Google's most popular service. As a search engine, the video streaming platform handles more than 3 billion searches per month, more than the combined search processing of Bing, Yahoo, AOL and Ask. YouTube is also the top platform in the world as a user-generated content platform. More than 500 hours of content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. In addition to users, YouTube is also important for brands and businesses, with about 72 percent of businesses serving content through YouTube channels. YouTube currently has over 36 million channels and users watch more than 1 billion hours of video every day. In this video, we will explore the rise of YouTube.
Video Sections:
0:00 - Introduction
1:12 - History
6:22 - The Rise
10:42 - Present
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wikipedia: https://bit.ly/2RPAeU1
youtube: https://bit.ly/3upaBqt
mushroomnetworks: https://bit.ly/3fknj5C
businessinsider: https://bit.ly/3hYzvdV
statista: https://bit.ly/2RD6LNf
buffer: https://bit.ly/3bXe2y6
interestingengineering: https://bit.ly/2QRjgEm
telegraph: https://bit.ly/3vp2Sdo
americanmineservices: https://bit.ly/348O06R
nytimes: https://nyti.ms/3fMkyJh
readwrite: https://bit.ly/3umJ3lB
mannhowie: https://bit.ly/3vsPeG4
techcrunch: https://tcrn.ch/3unQgla
thesun: https://bit.ly/3fmeUyv
macleans: https://bit.ly/3fmbStY
mediamemo.allthingsd: https://bit.ly/3bX6Li2
digitalcommerce360: https://bit.ly/3cd0Wx9
bbc: https://bbc.in/3yPgtNg
businessofapps: https://bit.ly/3yIp18G
ft: https://on.ft.com/34inRT9
billboard: https://bit.ly/3ui7793
theguardian: https://bit.ly/3oQBbaM
theverge: https://bit.ly/2QXXFu8
guinnessworldrecords: https://bit.ly/3fIwyvu
cnbc: https://cnb.cx/3frzcH7
mashable: https://bit.ly/3fokwbH
blog.youtube: https://bit.ly/3ugXHuE
merchdope: https://bit.ly/2Str6EC
Video Credit:
Storyblocks, TeamYouTube [Help], Apple, IU Admissions, Nike Futebol, Jawed, PayPal, ewo.
**This video is done by following the YouTube Community Guideline. Footages used in this video are for sharing information and education.
**The footage used in this video follows Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, please send us an email or let us know by commenting below.
** we don’t intend to demean any brand or individuals in this video.
** The data we have used in this content is mostly taken from secondary research.
** If you have any copyright issues with the video, please contact us.

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