How Parthi Yatra Changed My Life and Career | Tata Sai Pravan | OMS - Episode 71/100

Описание к видео How Parthi Yatra Changed My Life and Career | Tata Sai Pravan | OMS - Episode 71/100

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"Bhajans Saved Me From Depression"

In the current age and times, there is no better panacea to redeem our lives than Namasmarana, Bhagawan has reiterated this any number of times. And the melodious and magical way of doing this sadhana is bhajans.

Doing bhajans is not just a spiritual exercise, infact in it are the solutions to our everyday problems. It can indeed be the sheet anchor which can keep us afloat as we struggle through the turbulent crests and troughs of our modern existence.

Tata Sai Pravan, a member of the Shivam Bhajan Group, Hyderabad, has experienced this in his life as he went through a series of failures during his student years. In this episode of OMS, he shares what helps him survive and thrive in today’s world of overwhelming challenges.

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