NEPTUNE IN THE 10TH HOUSE / Pisces Midheaven this also applies to you!

Описание к видео NEPTUNE IN THE 10TH HOUSE / Pisces Midheaven this also applies to you!

Hi beautiful souls!

Please refer back to my Neptune intro video:
   • What is NEPTUNE? ✨🌙// Using Neptune P...  

NEPTUNE IN THE 10TH HOUSE / Pisces Midheaven this also applies to you!

So when we have a Neptune in the 10th house and (Neptune) signature we are looking at a theme of ‘Divine Judgement’ . Capricorn and the 10th house is about the government and authority figures who create the systems that a certain society follows and lives by. Capricorn is also about our Karma, the trials and errors of life that is ultimately supposed to free us from Karma, if we do the work and learn the lessons. Pisces and Neptune is that universal law, the cosmic creator that governs the beginning of all things. It has already transcended Karma. So together, they make up the theme of understanding morality, if we look at ourselves, what really constitutes our ‘right and wrong’ actions. We need to find balance between living with man-made laws and universal laws. So now let’s go on to talk about how this Neptune in the 10th house and (Neptune) signature can manifest in an unhealthy manner in our subconscious.

If you have this signature, there is an innocence with you when it comes to morality/ right conduct.

So the danger of this innocence is that …
1. With Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven there is an unquestioned compliance with laws limits an individual from standing up against corrupted systems when it need be. When you have a group to stand with you, it can be easier, but we have to be aware that sometimes…some things are just right or wrong and that means we may have to stand alone. There’s a quote I can’t remember who it’s by but it says, ‘Right is right even if no one is doing it and sometimes what’s wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.’
2. With Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven there’s also the danger of being misled to believe that one knows with confidence what is right and what is wrong and that you don’t really need to learn anymore. This belief is a result of the motivation to serve your own self-interest, whatever that may be.

Lack of role models to set an example when growing up can lead to several situations in adulthood that may jerk you with Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven back to reality. These include;
1. Going through life without solidity. Feeling like nothing is certain therefore you create a life wherein you, Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven can easily change your circumstances anytime because you feel nothing lasts anyway. This can mean choosing to live in an apartment that does not require you to sign a contract because you feel you may have to just leave anytime. You lose innocence when your life seems to be going nowhere, while the people around you are settling down and being all successful. You begin to understand that there are procedures and steps to take in life and if you don’t, the people around you stop taking you seriously as they are constantly being let down.
2. Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven may have had bad role models like parents who drink, smoke and say engage in criminal activities infront of the child will lead to an adulthood where the boundaries between right and wrong is blurred. We see here the typical rejection of laws, delinquency, irresponsible behavior or engagement in crimes.

It is perfectly normal for Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven to, after exposure to ‘reality’, to search for structure and security through a reliable and GOOD authority figure. This can be anyone, from a spiritual teacher or a partner…but you are looking for someone who can be an alternative parental figure to compensate for the one that you sort of lacked as a child. This person should be wise with good judgment and a sense of goodwill for you Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven. You can almost feel this deep appreciation, gratitude for them as if they have come in to your life as a blessing…to help guide you and support you in your endeavors.

Some people with Neptune in the 10th house and Pisces Midheaven might need to resort a little to the extreme at this point by aligning with very rigid systems whether it be religious, or the military, but just as a way of initially setting boundaries.

(watch the rest of the video to know more)


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NEPTUNE IN THE 10TH HOUSE / Pisces Midheaven this also applies to you!


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