Survivor, San Juan del Sur - Blood vs. Water 2 S29E02, Sumo at Sea (Part 3 of 4)

Описание к видео Survivor, San Juan del Sur - Blood vs. Water 2 S29E02, Sumo at Sea (Part 3 of 4)

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Immunity Challenge: Sumo at Sea
Each tribe will square off one-on-one sumo style. In each round, each tribe must choose a member, with each tribe's representative must be of the same gender.[2] Using a padded bag, each person will try and knock their opponent off the platform and into the water. The first tribe to score five points wins immunity.
Winner: Hunahpu

Baylor groans while holding up the parchment with Val's name written down.

“ (voting for Baylor) I've got a nice five guys alliance. You're sweet as you can be, but you gotta go. ”
–John Rocker

“ (voting for Val) I just wanna see that idol, girl. ”
–Wes Nal

“ (voting for Val) I told you to play your idol 'cause I told you what was gonna happen. Now you're gonna make me look like a liar to your husband. ”
–John Rocker

Final Words
S29 val bw

I feel like I've played big, made big moves, considering that I wasn't with the tribe for two days. It worked for a little while, I wish it would've worked for longer. But I'm happy with what I did. And I think that Jeremy seeing me gone will be a shock to him initially, but I think it will make him go harder in this game, and I think it will inspire him. So. I'm happy with that.

Deleted Scenes
A deleted scene posted on[3] reveals more about the dynamics between Val Collins and her closest ally Jaclyn Schultz. On Day 5, while walking on the beach, Jaclyn talks about having gone to Tribal Council first and that it's good to be over it, while the other tribe still has to go through it. Val then tells Jaclyn that she didn't find the idol and shows a fake idol that she made, as both go to look for the idol at the water well with Val's clue.
A deleted scene posted on[4] shows Val and Alec Christy by the bonfire after the Tribal Council. Val tells Alec that she found an idol on Exile Island and with it, a clue to another idol in Coyopa's camp that she found as soon as she got there. In a confessional, Val says that as the all-girls allaince didn't work, she had to make stuff up to save herself. She says that the guys may not believe that she has an idol or two, but they will not bet on it. Alec says in a confessional that the guys were planning to take the girls out one-by-one, but Val having two idols changes the game.
A deleted scene posted on[5] shows Jeremy Collins and John Rocker during the night they spent at Exile Island. In confessionals, Jeremy and John talk about the difficult to sleep with all the mosquitoes and crabs at the island.
A deleted scene posted on[6] shows Val warning Alec, Josh Canfield, and Dale Wentworth that Baylor Wilson was playing both sides. In a confessional, she says that she is "all about girl power", but Baylor flipped leaving only Jaclyn on her side, and she learned who deserves loyalty and who don't and she was "moving on".
Deleted confessionals from each castaway were posted on[7]

It was revealed by Dale during the Immunity Challenge that Day 6 was Kelley's 29th Birthday.
According to Dalton Ross, Hunahpu lost their flint on Day 2.[8]
J'Tia Taylor's incident with the rice from "Cops-R-Us" is briefly mentioned by Jon when he discovers that he lost Hunahpu's flint.
During the Sumo at Sea challenge, Val was disqualified during her face-off against Natalie due to the continuous elbowing to her opponent. Val said it was accidental.[9]
When asked on Twitter, Dale revealed that he voted against Val in the initial vote.[10]
Episode Title
The title of the episode was said by Josh to Baylor while explaining having voted for her at the previous Tribal Council.


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