AI Nao Robot and Vector Robot in the imitation Games, AI Personas ChatGPT.

Описание к видео AI Nao Robot and Vector Robot in the imitation Games, AI Personas ChatGPT.

The imitation Games - diving deeper into the AI (that is ChatGPT – easier to refer to as the AI here), we can tweak the AI to impersonate, that is imitate people or any artefacts, such as robots. I wanted a personality to match my smaller robot, vector, a bubbly, fun personality, then Nao, a more serious nerdy scientist type of personality.

As it turns out this is not too difficult to do, see the video for the first two tests, in the first test we have Nao, a nerdy scientist, followed by Vector with a. fun personality (as ChatGPT thinks Vector should be), both personas give different answers to the same questions, to match their personalities.

The third test is interesting, the previous two personalities had said no to the Skynet question, but not the third persona, the third persona is an academic AI Nao robot, this does actually exist (not the version I have), this persona says it is Skynet, but (I think) this is OK as it is just an academic robot and academia it terms of itself is harmless.

In the permutations of ChatGPT I tweak, I remove the hardcoded responses (such AI language model, how may I help you today, etc) in real-time, to give the interaction a more natural flow, so it is closer to natural speech, how we would talk to people – something different.

#robotics #não #ChatGPT #vectorrobot #persona


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