Sweden, once renowned for its prosperity and peace, has been plunged into chaos by a surge in violence, primarily stemming from feuds between rival gangs vying for control of coke smuggling. Notably, Rawa Majid, known as the "Kurdish Fox," has become a central figure in this turmoil. Born in Iran to Iraqi parents and raised in Sweden, his life journey has taken dark turns.
Majid initially excelled in business, operating kiosks in Uppsala. However, his criminal career began in 2010 with substance-related convictions and expanded into money laundering. His notoriety grew, leading to imprisonments, probation, and international travel restrictions. Majid eventually fled to Iraq, where he continued his criminal activities.
Majid's criminal empire, known as the Foxtrot gang, has attracted notoriety for smuggling drugs into Sweden and employing extreme violence. Their battles with rival gangs, such as the Bandidos, escalated, resulting in shootings, bombings, and innocent casualties.
The conflict reached an unprecedented low when a 13-year-old boy with ties to the Foxtrot gang was found dead. Another incident involved a shooting spree at an apartment linked to rapper Thrife, believed to be associated with the rival Dalen gang.
The situation escalated to a point where the Swedish Prime Minister considered involving the military to combat the surging violence, a drastic step highlighting the severity of the crisis. Sweden now faces a deeply entrenched gang warfare crisis with few straightforward solutions, exacerbated by low conviction rates and a desperate need for intervention and reform.
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• Music: Criminal Tension by Soundridemusic.
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