「Captain Usopp」Usopp no Hanamichi「English/Romanji Subtitles」

Описание к видео 「Captain Usopp」Usopp no Hanamichi「English/Romanji Subtitles」

S so I discovered one piece music a while ago- thank you I love it.
Uh so yeah I decided that since my enstars song translations get taken down I would do some one piece music instead. Please to whoever owns one piece you can have the two cents I would get from this video just please don’t take it down pretty please I’m asking nicely 🥺🥺
Anyway translating this one was fun. First of all I have a playlist of one piece music and I didn’t know which song I wanted to translate so I just let the playlist pick a random song and it chose this one. This song is so silly dude omg- but I mean it is Usopp so it makes sense XD I like this one tho it’s kinda jazzy. I wonder which song the one piece playlist will chose for me to translate next……. :))

I would put credits here but I can’t find any song credits at all…. All I know is Usopp’s va (Kappei Yamaguchi)


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