Thermogravimetric Analyser

Описание к видео Thermogravimetric Analyser

#TGA #ThermalAnalysis #FillerContent
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) is a thermal analysis technique involving the determination of the change in weight of a sample as a function of temperature and/or time of heating.  

Weight loss information is useful in the characterization of materials, such as polymers, soils, or adhesives, and in problem solving. The TGA instrument used at Impact Analytical is a TA Instruments Q50, which is ideal for projects in basic research or production support. The instrument has an integral mass flow control, gas switching capability (nitrogen or air), and superb software which provides quality results for each analysis. The TGA can be used to determine polymer composition  (organic and inorganic (filler) content), thermal stability, degree of hydration, and level of residual solvent or moisture.


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