How To Build A Mini Max In 8 Minutes Version 2.0 (Redux)

Описание к видео How To Build A Mini Max In 8 Minutes Version 2.0 (Redux)

So, here's the thing.....a link to this video was posted on our forum here:

We loved it so much we simply had to repost it on our own You Tube Channel. The original video was created by Jamie Baxter from somewhere in Haliburton, Ontario. (Talk about clandestine?!?!) Anyway...we proudly present this video...what a fantastic journey...hypnotic man!

Here's the shot list description...although the timing may be off on this version of the video since we added some music and a few more credits.....ENJOY!

Published on Aug 13, 2016

Only takes 8 minutes to build a sea flea - who knew?

8 day build and test runs of a mini max with 9.9 Merc. somewhere in the Haliburton Highlands Ontario. Commentary with time tags below:
0:26 - had to replace switch on old table saw
0:58 - twisting together the bow to close the "gore" was a gruesome task - lots small passes removing material with circular saw
2:20 - about this point we realized nothing lined up the way it does in the plans...the stringers were too short!...PL premium 8X used to fill the gap...then lots of sanding/rasping
3:05 - also added a second transom pad between the stringers to ensure PL was not the only thing holding things together
3:28 - while it rained, worked on the motor board...
3:36 - to get angle of motorboard "correct", made a small sample piece and tried the angle cut...the first angle was too steep so glad I did so (oursis slightly more vertical than the plans)
4:51 - I lose it trying to get "tee nuts" to line up with bolts...FIRST - clamp the nut with your vice grips, SECOND make sure somebody at HomeDepot did not switch 32 turn with 24 turn nuts. I got about 8 of 14 to take. I used plain old 1 1/2 inch stainless screws where the tee nuts failed...likely could have used all screws instead of tee nuts
5:29 - hacking off screw and bolt ends - screws cut flush - another strike against tee nuts in my book
6:19 - red handled kitchen scissors on bottom of boat - used for fiber-glassing...don't tell.
8:12 - put some sort of metal on your motorboard where the engine clamps - the scrap tin seen here covers some rather nasty gouges from the maiden voyage!
9:35 - after swamping - and almost sinking - the boat twice in the first two days, second guessing the choice to cut out the holes in the stringers, may fiberglass them in this winter.


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