Indra Swallowtail Butterfly Metamorphosis Pupation Time Lapse Documentary V01713

Описание к видео Indra Swallowtail Butterfly Metamorphosis Pupation Time Lapse Documentary V01713

Note: The caterpillars tied themselves to the cardboard with their own silk. Details below...

A very close-up look at the pupation process of the Indra Swallowtail (Papilio indra phyllisae) as it begins metamorphosis into an adult insect. Documentary includes time lapse of the pupation and emerging events, as well as still images of the larvae and adult butterfly.

The molting process:
Caterpillars have to molt their skin as they grow because the skin is essentially a bag which doesn't grow with the caterpillar. After molting, the new skin (which forms under the old one), can stretch a bit as the caterpillar continues to grow into it. Caterpillars of this species typically molt their skins 4 times while they grow.

Finding a spot::
When the caterpillar reaches maturity, it leaves the host plant and begins a 1 - 2 day search for a dark, secluded and cool location to pupate, typically in/under cracked/loose rock or deep in shady foliage. When a site is found, it idles there for 24 hours or so to verify the site is safe from predators, and shielded from environmental extremes both day and night. Selection of this location is critical because the pupa may remain there in diapause (hibernation) for up to 7 years before emerging as an adult butterfly.

Strapping in for the long haul:
If the site looks good, the caterpillar "straps itself in" to the spot using its own silk. It makes a light silk pad all over on the selected substrate, adds a silk "button" at the bottom of the pad and then attaches its tail end or "cremaster" to it. Next, it spins a suspension loop around its upper body, then wriggles into the finished loop. This silk spinning task usually takes 1 to 2 hours and once tied-in to it, the pre-pupa/pupa is physically stuck there until it emerges as an adult butterfly.

This video (   • V05133 Swallowtail butterfly larva st...  ) shows these Indra Swallowtails strapping themselves in with their own silk. Additional videos of other Swallowtail caterpillars performing the same procedure in very clear detail:    • Time Lapse Swallowtail butterfly Silk...   and    • Swallowtail Butterfly Larva Spins Loo...  

The caterpillar, (now called a "pre-pupa" at this point) rests here for 1 to 2 days as it prepares internally for pupation.

Transformation into pupa:
Finally, the pre-pupa molts its skin for the 5th and final time to become a "pupa" or "chrysalis". This last molt only takes only a few minutes, and the pupa forms into its final shape in another hour or so. A few hours later, the pupa's outer skin layer has hardened into a thin shell, which helps protect against predators and a harsh environment. Inside the pupa, the caterpillar has essentially liquefied most of its body into a gooey soup. This is the first part of the magical metamorphosis process.

Diapause (Hibernation):
Some butterfly species will diapause at this point, while others just continue development and emerge as adults. If the pupa "decides" to diapause, it will remain dormant until a certain combination of temperature and humidity cycles trigger continuation of development (called "breaking diapause"). This is the second part of metamorphosis where the organic soup inside the pupa actually reforms into a butterfly, fitting precisely into the folded-up butterfly shape of the pre-formed pupal shell.

Emerging as an adult:
Adults may only live for a month, if lucky, so it's pretty important that conditions are right when the butterfly emerges or it will miss its chance to mate when healthy host plants are available for the next generation of caterpillars to eat. Many species emerge in spring after good rainfall, however, each species will time its life cycle to coincide with the environment in which it lives. In years with low rainfall, Indra pupa may choose to wait and see how things look next spring.

Much more info, images and documentary about the Indra Swallowtail is here:

and at


The soundtrack is "Idnarepo Sodum" from the "TimeShift" CD by Technician (yours truly), album and single track available on iTunes: full artist discography and CDs available at HTTP://

Contains JCMDI video catalog #s: V00565,V00566,V00567,V00568,V00569,V00564

Note: The audio and video material contained herein is copyright 2019 JCM Digital Imaging, however, you may download this footage directly from YouTube and use it free of charge in your own non-profit/non-commercial YouTube videos, school projects, etc. The full free usage policy and YouTube copyright notice/ad info can be found here (please read before using JCMDI material):


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