Directed by Harry L. Coleman and narrated by Lee Vines, “Wings to Vikingland” is a 1950s-era color film made as a Pan Am travelogue about Scandinavia. The film follows as American couple Mary and John Ericsson venture across the Atlantic on a Pan Am Boeing 377 Double-Decker Stratocruiser to visit relatives and tour around Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

Animation Pan Am jet part of focus leader projector set up (0:07). Opening credits, title page (1:02). John and Mary Ericsson, read letters from relatives in Sweden, Norway (1:34). Pan Am Boeing 377 on tarmac (2:35). Interior cabin (2:48). Cover Pan Am guide book “New Horizons” (3:21). Steak dinner; Couples socializing in lower deck lounge (3:48). Flight attendant prepares passengers’ beds (4:31). Pan Am Douglas DC-6B (4:42). Aerial views Stockholm (4:51). Ericssons and their cousins greet each other (5:28). Stockholm streets, Swedes bike through traffic (5:56). Katarina Elevator/ Katarina Lift, views from top of water, trolley system (6:09). Restaurang Gondolen (7:11). Stockholm City Hall (7:59). John, Mary visit ceramics workshop (8:23). Glassmaking workshop, demonstration of ancient hand blowing technique (8:48). John, Mary sail with cousins through center of Stockholm, views from sailboat of young boys kayaking, ferry boat, and Stockholm City Hall along water’s edge (9:28). Porter helps Mary, John with bags after steamer ship dropped them on Visby, Gotland Island (10:47). Mary, John relax by pool of hotel; Men, women layout on towels, Roomba band perform for guests (10:57). Camera pans Medieval walls of Visby, homes (12:06). St. Clement Church Ruins (12:19). Midsommar festivities, locals in traditional dress; Villagers cross lakes in traditional Viking long boats; Raising of Maypole, dancing (12:41). Train journey crossing into Arctic Circle (14:56). View from train of locals of Lapland wearing colorful traditional dress (15:28). Traditional Lep settlement: Woman checks on dried grass, Lapp hut, mother with portable bassinet, boy and girl play, herding deer (15:37). Multicolored sky, midnight sun over Norwegian/ Swedish border (17:05). Snow capped peaks, glaciers from upper deck of steamship traveling along coast of Bergen (17:18). Ship pulls into port in Bergen; Couple warmly embraces family members (17:42). Bergen as seen from hillside overlook, busy city streets (18:08). John, Mary sit to welcome lunch with relatives in dining hall (18:23). Looking out over Hardangerfjord region; Dispersed shots of waterfalls found along fjord (19:21). Blossoming of Apple Blossom flowers in Hardanger (20:37). Children in traditional national dress rehearse dance in field (20:51). Blossoming yellow flowers on hills of Hardanger, cows graze fields of flowers (21:09). Traditional mountain wedding, bride wears headdress/ bridal crown with silver adornments (21:30). Snow blankets mountains, “ski country,” skiers speed down mountain side towards camera (22:10). Crowds gather at Holmenkollen Ski Jump competition (22:49). Birds eye view Oslo skyline, Oslofjord from telescope (23:45). Norway’s Independence Day Parade (23:59). Perhaps PM Oscar Torp, Monarch Haakon VII wave from balcony (24:27). Oslo City Hall (24:44). Viking Ship Museum (24:49). Great Fountain in Vigeland Sculpture Park (24:56). Plane flies over Kronborg Castle, Helsingør, Denmark (25:20). Troupe of actors act Shakespeare’s Hamlet in castle (25:50). The Little Mermaid, Langelinie Promenade Copenhagen (26:02). Copenhagen City Hall (26:09). Montage of impressive towers, steeples seen across city - Equestrian statue of Frederick VII in front Christiansborg, gold domes Alexander Nevsky Church etc. (26:17). Large numbers of locals commuting by bike (26:41). Fishwife statue Gammel Strand (27:12). Restaurant Ida Davidsen, 172 different sandwiches (27:18). Window shopping, montage interesting signs for stores i.e. butcher, baker, candlestick maker (27:53). Stork feeds its baby (28:25). Danish countryside: Windmill, children playing in streets, home of Hans Christian Andersen (28:33). Fano Hotel Kongen bathing resort: Mary, John use Victorian bathhouse brought out by horse into water (29:15). Danes sunbathing along golden outer rim of beaches, boats in shallow shore (30:02). Flashing lights, fireworks, Tivoli Park (30:30). Ballet performance, Can Can girls (30:40). Film ends (31:20).

This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com


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