Suno AI Punk Rock Music . Rock Fusion . Artificial Intelligence . AI Songs . Playlist 2024

Описание к видео Suno AI Punk Rock Music . Rock Fusion . Artificial Intelligence . AI Songs . Playlist 2024

The Punk Rock you are listening to is created by using Suno AI and the Prompts listed below.

We invite you to experiment with different subgenres, moods, instruments, time signatures, and BPM.

Be creative, the sky's the limit!

- PROMPT USED -------------------

00:00 - Punk Rock, Bold Spirit, Bass, Guitar, Anthemic Chorus, Overdriven Guitar, Aggressive Vocals, 4/4 Time, 170 BPM

02:46 - Punk Rock, Bold Spirit, Bass, Guitar, Anthemic Chorus, Overdriven Guitar, Aggressive Vocals, 4/4 Time, 170 BPM

05:02 - Punk Rock, Raw Energy, Bass, Drums, Power Chords, Distortion, Fast Transitions, 4/4 Time, 190 BPM

07:32 - Punk Rock, High-Speed, Bass, Drums, Fast-Paced Melody, Driving Rhythm, Power Chords, 4/4 Time, 175 BPM

10:11 - Punk Rock Music, Gritty Vocals, Heavy Guitar Riffs, Slower, Hard-Hitting Drums, Deep Bass, 4/4 Time, 120 BPM

13:08 - Punk Rock Music, Aggressive Vocals, Power Chords, Rapid Drums, Distorted Bass, 4/4 Time, 180 BPM

15:44 - Punk Rock Music, Emotional Vocals, Clean and Distorted Guitars, Dynamic Drums, Groovy Bass, 4/4 Time, 110 BPM

17:50 - Punk Rock Music, Raw Vocals, Distorted Guitar Chords, Steady Drums, Melodic Bass, 4/4 Time, 120 BPM

- PROMPT LIST -------------------

Punk Rock, Raw Energy, Bass, Drums, Power Chords, Distortion, Shouting Vocals, Fast Transitions, 4/4 Time, 190 BPM

Punk Rock, Gritty, Guitar, Fast Drums, Crunchy Chords, Syncopated Drums, Raspy Vocals, 4/4 Time, 180 BPM

Punk Rock, Bold Spirit, Bass, Guitar, Anthemic Chorus, Overdriven Guitar, Aggressive Vocals, 4/4 Time, 170 BPM

Punk Rock, Ferocious, Drums, Guitar, Fast Riffs, Palm Muting, Screamed Vocals, High-Intensity Chorus, 4/4 Time, 160 BPM

Punk Rock, High-Speed, Bass, Drums, Fast-Paced Melody, Driving Rhythm, Gritty Vocals, Power Chords, 4/4 Time, 175 BPM

Punk Rock, Defiant, Guitar, Drums, Raw Riffs, Loud Chorus, Yelled Vocals, Punchy Transitions, 4/4 Time, 165 BPM

Punk Rock, Heavy Bass, Guitar, Raspy Vocals, Fast Drums, Power Chords, 4/4 Time, 185 BPM

Punk Rock, Raw Guitar, Drums, Shouted Vocals, Aggressive Riffs, Loud Chorus, 4/4 Time, 190 BPM

Punk Rock, High Energy, Bass, Guitar, Screamed Vocals, Fast Beats, Power Riffs, 4/4 Time, 175 BPM

Punk Rock, Gritty Bass, Guitar, Yelled Vocals, Syncopated Drums, Punchy Riffs, 4/4 Time, 170 BPM

Punk Rock, Fast Riffs, Drums, Shouting Vocals, Loud Chorus, Distortion, 4/4 Time, 160 BPM

Punk Rock, Distorted Guitar, Bass, Aggressive Vocals, Dynamic Transitions, Power Chords, 4/4 Time, 165 BPM

Punk Rock, Anthemic Guitar, Drums, Yelled Vocals, Palm Muting, Punchy Chorus, 4/4 Time, 180 BPM

Punk Rock, Fast Drums, Bass, Screamed Vocals, Raw Riffs, Heavy Distortion, 4/4 Time, 185 BPM

Punk Rock, Loud Guitar, Drums, Shouting Vocals, Power Chords, High Energy, 4/4 Time, 175 BPM

Punk Rock, Heavy Riffs, Drums, Raspy Vocals, Fast Transitions, Loud Chorus, 4/4 Time, 190 BPM

Punk Rock, Powerful Guitar, Bass, Screamed Vocals, Dynamic Chorus, Palm Muting, 4/4 Time, 160 BPM

Punk Rock, High-Speed Guitar, Drums, Yelled Vocals, Driving Bassline, Raw Riffs, 4/4 Time, 170 BPM

Punk Rock, Distortion Guitar, Bass, Shouted Vocals, Fast Drums, Heavy Chorus, 4/4 Time, 165 BPM

Punk Rock, Aggressive Guitar, Drums, Raspy Vocals, Punchy Transitions, Loud Riffs, 4/4 Time, 180 BPM

- LAYOUT USED -----------------

Before using a lyric, we recommend first finding the rhythm and melody that you like.

1- In the "Lyrics" box, write the following to help generate a better harmony:

[Instrumental Intro]
[Punk Rock Music]
[Verse 1]
[Chorus 1]
[Verse 2]
[Chorus 2]
[Instrumental Solo]
[Final Chorus]


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