Hitman Blood Money Speedrun in

Описание к видео Hitman Blood Money Speedrun in

This is NOT World Record. This run is LRT which is time without loads. The RTA for this run is 24:44 which is 14 seconds off Threeballer's WR.
This was a small PB, but only after about a minute's worth of time loss in Dance with the Devil using the new strat. The ultimate goal is sub-23 without loads, but idk if that would require fast Till Death.
Sorry about being a sad boi during this run. I was depressed after my team lost the previous night in the playoffs and also some other personal bad news. I am feeling much better as I'm typing this.
Also, sorry about my mic settings. I accidentally had the gain turned up a bit too much.

So why a new channel? Eh. Why not? I wanted to experiment with starting a new channel for the more important stuff like this. Full game runs, world records, and other large projects will be put here while more filler stuff and clips will be mosted on the other channel.


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