"Heal-toeing Through the Bullsh!t" feat.

Описание к видео "Heal-toeing Through the Bullsh!t" feat.

When it comes to healing, sometimes finding the right place to start is hard. Processing internally isn't always easy; sometimes it starts from a conversation, and this next guest understands that more than most. With his Glaad-nominated podcast, THAT Conversation, Tarek Ali has brought healing and processing to the forefront. His vulnerability and candid nature brought us along much of his journey of acceptance and authenticity and now he’s extending that to others, so we are going to explore that vulnerability some more. Please welcome the beautiful, Tarek Ali.

Follow Tarek:
   / tarekali  

Thank you our sponsor, BeTrue Studios!
Use code JadeFoxShow10 for 10% off on your booking! Contact the studio via social media or email for more information and booking. Mention the code for your 10% off.
@betrue.losangeles on IG
[email protected]

Videographer + Editor - HartBeat
  / ihartbeat  
Production Assistant - Wifty Bangura
Producer - Dominique Williams

Follow Jade:
  / iamjadefox  
  / iamjadefox  

To become a sponsor of The Jade Fox Show, email [email protected]

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📪Hit Me Up! [email protected] (for business only)
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👕Merch: https://www.hillfoxclub.com/
🐦My Twitter:   / iamjadefox  
🌎My Personal Site: https://www.thisisjade.com/

I'm Jade Fox, and welcome to my LGBT Lifestyle and Entertainment channel where I make LOADS of comedic content surrounding pop culture, entertainment, and gay culture. This is a safe space, but you CAN get roasted. Stay awhile!


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