This hamburger puts In-N-Out's to shame 🇺🇸

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■NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE: I travel with an open mind and pretty much expect to change my mind on an array of issues every time I visit a new country. What I did not expect though was to discover a new hamburger chain that have tastier hamburgers than Burger King.

Americans in particular have been raving in my comment section for a long time about the taste of the In-N-Out Burger. Whenever I meet Americans anywhere in the world (or in any state for that matter), 9 out of 10, will when asked about their favorite hamburger, respond with: In-N-Out.

So whilst in Las Vegas with my Korean friend Mr. Noodles, I decided to try the famous In-N-Out Burger. The queue was out the door and expectations were sky high.

I honestly thought I was about to eat the holy grail of hamburgers. Needless to say I was horribly disappointed. The burger was tiny and didn't even taste that good. I'd even rate McDonald's cheeseburger as the better buy.

Burger King's Double Whooper would forever be the best burger I thought. Little did I know... 5 Guys was about to turn Heraldo's burger universe on its head....


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