Save Africa's Parrots - Project of the World Parrot Trust

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Many of Africa's parrots are disappearing from the wild. They need our help!

In Africa wild parrots face an increasing number of threats, from habitat loss and harvesting for the pet trade, to disease and persecution as crop pests.

But there is hope...

The World Parrot Trust (WPT) has been working in Africa for many years and sees an urgent need increase its efforts to help save Africa's parrots. To this end, WPT has developed the WPT Africa Conservation Programme (ACP), an innovative effort focusing on:

Working with in-country partners to conserve parrots and habitats

Researching African parrot populations to make better decisions on how to protect them

Investigating threats that put them at risk

Collaborating with law enforcement to protect parrots from wildlife trade and poaching

Aiding efforts to improve wildlife law enforcement and management of confiscated birds

Reaching local communities to raise awareness as to why parrots need to remain wild

Our current work is focusing on researching Timneh parrots in the Bijagos archipelago of Guinea-Bissau, initiating community education about Grey parrots in Uganda, and expanding a population monitoring project for Cape parrots in Limpopo, South Africa. It is a great start but there is more to be done.

With your help we can do much more...

Because of the overwhelming need for these efforts to continue, WPT's ACP is now dedicated to a multi-year commitment on behalf of these birds to help at-risk parrots in Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, DRC, Congo-Brazzaville, Uganda, and South Africa.

All of this effort requires time and money. Just one gift from you of $25, $50 or $100 will help us to continue this vital work of research, encouraging legal reform, confiscation, rescue, rehabilitation of birds caught in the trade, protecting habitat and public education.

Plus when you donate now, your gift will be matched by generous supporters dollar for dollar, but only until the end of January, 2014.

Together we can make a difference to the lives of parrots in Africa.

Will you make a gift, and save these parrots, today?

Go online to donate:


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