One Life to Live 1/3/1990

Описание к видео One Life to Live 1/3/1990

Megan and Bo arrive at the Flagg house and Bo tries to call the police to tell them he and Megan are being followed, but the phone line goes dead. Megan thinks Bo is being paranoid, but then they hear someone trying to break into the house and they quickly hide in the closet. Sebastian walks through the front door, knife in hand, and quickly locates the pair. A fight between Bo and Sebastian ensues, and Sebastian escapes, but not before beating up on both Megan and Bo. Tina thinks she has an idea for how to find Serena and Ambrose, but Cord says she’s not going anywhere. Julia gives Gabrielle the update on Max, and Gabrielle says if Max dies it will be her own fault. Gabrielle convinces her mother to pray with her. Viki tries to convince Clint that their marriage isn’t too damaged to repair. Roger returns to thank Clint for saving them all. Clint begins to lose his temper and berate Roger for leading Viki into danger, but Viki and Roger quickly quell his anger. In the operating room, a team of doctors works on Max, whose condition remains critical. Megan and Bo regroup and catch their breath. Bo describes the ring Sebastian was wearing and there seems to be momentary recognition on Megan’s face, but she insists it doesn’t ring a bell. They find a photo of Sarah that Sebastian was carrying and reason he must have been following them thinking Megan was Sarah, which would explain why he hightailed it out of there so quickly once he got a better look at her. They conspire to get Sarah out of town for a little while while Bo continues to investigate.

Cord tells Clint he spoke with Rafe and is going back to Llanfair to collect his notes for the exposé he was writing about the Wymans. Clint tags along, andTina says she’d like to stay behind to support Gabrielle, but she leaves the first chance she gets and sneaks into the Lord Love the Children offices to look for evidence on the Wymans’ whereabouts. Andy arrives at the hospital, desperate to see Max and tell him she loves him and needs him to survive this. Gabrielle and Andy share a tearful detente. Dan updates everyone, informing them Max is out of surgery but that his condition is still very critical. He says Max lost a lot of blood needs a miracle to survive. Tina tears down police tape to get into Ambrose’s office and begins to search his files, but she is quickly interrupted by a detective, who threatens to arrest her if she doesn’t leave. On her way out she sees one of the kids, who is very worried he will have to go back on Mr. Wyman’s boat, which brought them to Llanview in the first place. Tina asks him for more information about the boat and promises to protect him. Roger takes advantage of having Viki alone to once again try and convince Viki that they should be together. She tells him she’s not interested in breaking up her marriage and she won’t abandon her husband or children like that. He persists and says they will always be connected which will always bother Clint. Tina goes to Llanfair looking for Cord, but when Herron tells her both Clint and Cord left a little while ago, she takes Clint’s pistol and leaves. In Max’s hospital room, Gabrielle tearfully prays for the miracle it will take to save his life.


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