What 'Killed' Arcade Racers?

Описание к видео What 'Killed' Arcade Racers?

In this video, I'm going to answer the question everyone has been wondering: What killed arcade racers? Even though there can be any arguments made on this topic, there is one thing I see that is the main reason for the downfall of arcade racers. Its something that has silently affected how gamers, and publishers/developers look at the genre.

• All the games I picked in this video I believe are arcade racers, except for the games I showed when briefly mentioning simarcade/simulation (DiRT 5, Project Cars 2, GRID Autosport, Real Racing 3). Since the racing genre is such a spectrum, its hard to exactly nail down what is an arcade racer as many feather the line into simarcade. I look at it from both a physics and gameplay point of view.

• For the thumbnail, I used game artwork from Burnout Legends (Left), Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage (Middle), and L.A. Rush (Right). Even though I didn't actually show these games in the video, not only do I like the artwork, but I feel they represent the 3 main types of arcade racers:
1. Burnout Legends for vehicle on vehicle combat, where you car is the weapon.
2. Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage for weaponized vehicular combat, whether that is using powerups, or using actual weapons like rockets, machine guns, etc.
3. L.A. Rush for the standard arcade racing. No combat, but a focus on high speeds, drifting, big jumps, etc.

0:00 - Intro
0:45 - The Cause
2:28 - The Effect
3:22 - Arcade Racers Today
3:58 - Conclusion

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