The Last Notes

Описание к видео The Last Notes

“This complex subject was inspired by a sculpture by Rinaldo Carnielo (1853-1910). It represents the last moments of Mozart. The sculptural lighting and tight atmosphere called for a vast palette of nuances and values. The excellence of Nitram Charcoal does justice to the quality of the original work. The variations in hardness allow a great flexibility of use, from the subtle background to the modelling of the face. Thus, the glow spreads from the face and gently radiates to the rest of the subject. It should be noted that the drawing is executed entirely in charcoal, without the addition of white chalk.
Only the highest standards in lithography should be utilized to reproduce a piece of work such as this. I went to Bargue Encore, because they use the same equipment and standards to produce prints like the ones that have been used to train fine artists for more than 100 years.”
~ Thomas Graveleau


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