How to cure Scabies? - Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

Описание к видео How to cure Scabies? - Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

Scabies is a disease which is caused by a small parasite which sucks on human blood. Scabies is transmitted for one person to another when the live in close quarters or there is a lot of concession that is family set lot of people a lot of people staying in a single room like a hostel or a dormitory. Also we can get scabies if that small parasite is found in any bedding or clothes for example when you're living in a hotel when you're leaving in a hotel or when you are travelling by bus. scabies is more commonly found in people who don't bath often so they might stick to the body and starts burning a lot of cures for scabies and scabies has been there for 1000 of years and 1000's of different types of cures have been suggested for scabies currently permethrin 5% cream is the treatment of choice for scabies and even the treatment for choice of scabies in children above the age of 6 months. scabies can also be treated by a tablet known as ivermectin which is given in a single dose but some doctors prefer repeating it after 10 days so that the even eggs which hatch later on can destroy the precautions that you need to take care when somebody in your family is suffering from scabies is to make sure that all the family members get treated for scabies as it could have already spread to you, so cloths which you used in the last 3 days of every family member at bed sheets or anything made of cloth including towels, hand kerchief etc, should be soaked in boiling water and left that in the water cools down after the water cools down the cloth can be washed as heat kills the organism. If precautions like that are not taken scabies can repeatedly in fact the individual and spread to other family members or friends living with you.


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