Green Graphene | The Pursuit of Sustainability and Innovation

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The pursuit of sustainability is often a challenge especially for materials manufacturers. In this interview Dr. Aphrodite explains the role Goodfellow plays in this objective and introduces Green graphene and the role it can play in sustainability.

Currently, researchers are looking with great anticipation on the potential provided by the mass production of graphene and the improvement of graphene properties for different applications. That’s because until now, graphene has mainly been produced by an exfoliation process, the reduced graphite oxide method or chemical vapour deposition synthesis, and these production processes have several critical bottlenecks regarding scalability, purity, high cost of production etc.

Goodfellow recently introduced to the market an ultra-pure “green” graphene, guaranteed metal-free and uniquely applicable in metal-sensitive processes. This graphene powder has no additives, surfactants, catalysts or metal impurities.


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