ESO - nBRP 10.5M+ XP per hour

Описание к видео ESO - nBRP 10.5M+ XP per hour

Here is one hour of gameplay in nBRP, unedited from start to finish. With my grind partner, we were able to get him over 10.5M XP per hour with this strategy. You can push higher with a DK/warden and slightly more min/max gameplay. We had a few mistakes in this run that cost us. If we were perfect we probably would have been around 10.7M XP per hour. Adding in warden instead of necro can maybe push close to 11M XP per hour, mostly by saving time on chaining in adds during the second wave.

A few notes:
1.) You will need (almost) all XP buffs in the game INCLUDING double XP event in order to get 10.5M+ XP per hour. Only XP buff my grind partner was missing for this run was high elf. He uses Nord because the extra 15 minutes on Mythic Ambrosias is worth more than 1% extra XP from high elf.

2.) Make sure you hit your light attacks. Your ulti gen will be very tight to get your standard at the start of wave two every round. Missing a light attack at the wrong time will throw off your ulti gen. You also need the sustain sigil (which gives major heroism as well) from the entrance every round.

3.) You need ravage health potions to die quickly and consistently. If you are pushing 10.5M+ XP per round, you will NEED one potion cooldown glyph. Mine is infused. I don't think infused is needed, so you can probably get away with bloodthirsty on your potion cooldown jewlery.

4.) Here is the link to my build and our XP in this hour of gameplay. (Note that my build is different because I am already 3600, so I don't need any XP. If you still need XP, you can change my build by dropping burning spellweave for Heartland Conqueror and making all of your weapon and body traits training.):

5.) Here is the link to the add on used to track XP rate (note this add on is NOT available from Minion, so you have to manually download and install):


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