On the way to Mývatn / 2021 Iceland Cruise 6【愛心老K】冰島🇮🇸去米湖的途中 [4K]

Описание к видео On the way to Mývatn / 2021 Iceland Cruise 6【愛心老K】冰島🇮🇸去米湖的途中 [4K]

Today Viking Jupiter arrived Akureyri, we going to discover the stunning landscape and natural treasures of northern Iceland. Travel by motor coach along the coast of Eyjafjörður, the longest fjord in Iceland and take in stunning views of Akureyri and the surrounding mountains on the way.
Mývatn is a shallow lake situated in an area of active volcanism in the north of Iceland, not far from Krafla volcano. The lake was created by a large basaltic lava eruption 2300 years ago, and the surrounding landscape is dominated by volcanic landforms, including lava pillars and rootless vents …
米湖是一個淺湖,位於冰島北部火山活動活躍的地區,距離克拉夫拉火山不遠。該湖是2300年前玄武岩大型熔岩噴發形成的,周圍景觀以火山地貌為主,包括熔岩柱和無根噴口 …


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