How To Avoid Limiting Your Options As A PhD

Описание к видео How To Avoid Limiting Your Options As A PhD

64,000 PhDs are granted every year in the U.S., while less than 4,000 professorships open up (National Science Foundation). However, over 30,000 PhDs get employed in industry each year. Where are you putting your efforts?

Watch this video to learn the 4 small things that hold PhDs back from transitioning into industry, and to learn what your PhD is now worth in industry (it's above $90,000)

Don't be held back in your career by the following...
-Gap on your resume
-No visa/resident card
-No industry experience
-No recommendation letter
- ...or any other limiting belief.

The average academic postdoc salary is now only $46,142 in the U.S., while the average industry salary for STEM PhDs (including Social Scientists) is $95,823.

Remember your value as a PhD because your PhD is valuable, just not in academia.


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