U2's Joshua Tree-Major Flood Damage at the Fan Maintained Actual Tree Site- Oct 17, 2022.

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Two separate flood events destroyed many roads and trails around Death Valley in August and then September 2022. Hwy 190 was closed until just 4 days before I made my trek out to the actual U2 Joshua Tree site. Of course it's been dead and laying on the ground for at least 20 years now, but it's a wonderful fan maintained site that I visit at least once if not twice a year. So I was worried about it's condition after the flooding. The waters just missed washing the tree and main plaque in concrete away. Most of the Rock Art on the ground around the tree is gone. Some of the lighter weight plaques I saw just in July are gone. The case full of photos, memorabilia and the notebooks filled with fan stories had clearly filled with water. The notes done in ink were faded away. I did start a new notebook dated Oct 17, 2022. I hope fans unite to clean up the site and bring new memorabilia and that whoever owns this land let's it keep happening.


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