Andaron Saga #14 - Scalies Above II

Описание к видео Andaron Saga #14 - Scalies Above II

Andaron Saga is a Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones hack by Mangs & some dedicated Fire Emblem enthusiasts. A heart gripping story and high octane gameplay awaits within.

To find out how to download & play this hack, check out the following link:

   • How To Play Andaron Saga  

Oh man, THIS chapter. This is a huge step up in difficulty compared to everything else beforehand for a couple of reasons.

First of those reasons....there are a metric boatload of enemies, especially at the start, so you really need your best damage dealers fielded. You need to move VERY fast here and be as close as you can to the escape point by turn 10.

Also, bring your Rescue staves. You WILL need them if you want to do what I plan on doing later on. If you only have one, no biggie. It just means you have a slight bit less wiggle room to work with later.

As for the secret lunatic objective...if you've been wondering why I've been going all in on Fred, he's going to help me fulfill the objective in the way I want.

The start isn't too bad for me. I have enough strong units on hand that I can melt all but one of them. As long as it's just one enemy left standing, everyone will be fine.

Also important...Colter needs to steal the Blue Gem from the Wyvern Lord before ending your first turn. That's because at the end of the enemy's first turn, a green unit Ranger comes out of a nearby house and his first action is very likely going to be attacking that Wyvern Lord and one rounding it. Baudimon can recruit him.

This Ranger is known as Kurt and boy is he good. Amazing offensive bases, enough defensive bulk that he can afford to take a hit from non-effective weaponry, and comes with two very good bows in the Dragon Bow and Killer Bow. Couple that with acceptable offensive growths and you have a powerful unit on your hands.

Kurt's personal skill is Sure Shot. Has a skl% chance of allowing his next attack to always hit and do 50% more damage.

That's not the only new party member joining in this chapter. After turn 2's enemy phase ends, Jaheira flies in, stating that Tendaris had a hunch Baud was going to need assistance getting back to Malthrak...and he was right for sure. Baudimon can recruit her as well as Jakka.

Jaheira gets bonus points right away for being the army's first flying unit. She's quite combat capable as well with strong offensive bases and only two real notable weak points, mag & res.

Jaheira's personal skill is Prescience, granting her 15% extra hit & avoid if she initiates combat.

Back to the reasons this chapter is nasty...there's a heavy promoted enemy presence here. There's Generals who are extremely tough to take down aside from having anti-armor weaponry like the Heavy Spear or Armorslayer, a few Wyvern Lords & Sages, and a Wyvern Knight in the west.

At the midpoint, the map introduces two new enemy types, the Dragoon & Manakete. The former is a pretty strong spear wielding unit while the latter can turn into a dragon when it attacks. Very bulky and its breath is 1-2 range + deals physical damage.

Fred goes on a rampage on 90% of the Dragoons & Manaketes thanks to taking Jaheira's Dragonspear. This lets him hit lv20 and he uses that Master Seal to promote. He promotes to a Duke Knight with some very nice promotion gains, getting +3 to all of his stats except for luck. He even was able to get a couple more levels post promotion and hit 22 spd. I had brought along a Speedwing for this very reason to throw his way, boosting his speed to 23.

When turn 9 comes around on lunatic, Baud warns everyone that they need to hurry. Why's that? On turn 10, the answer arrives in the form of Leonora. Alone, she'd be very dangerous, but she brings ALL of her elite Wyvern Lords AND Wyvern Knights.

If that wasn't bad enough, this map's secret event introduces another Wyvern Knight by the name of Miriam. She's as strong as Leonora and much faster than her.

You can already guess by looking at the horde's are not meant to fight them and you need to escape FAST.

The secret lunatic objective for this chapter involves Leonora. You need to not engage her in combat even once. There's a second way to fulfill the objective though...kill Leonora. She's very strong for sure, but she's not impossible to take down.

The way I do this involves Fred. He's going to bait out her ranged attack and double in return because he's so speed blessed right now. Just don't pull a me and not only accidentally leave him in melee range, but forget to give him the Holy Symbol, heh.

Lilinette, Aylanda, and Angelus all have big jobs here and that's to use a combo of Rescue & extra turn granting to allow your attacker to reposition to bait out ranged hits.

Killing Leonora grants you the Pyrion Shield, letting your flying units ignore non-regalia bows & wind magic's effective damage. More importantly, this will change a future pair of chapter in a very big way.

More next time!


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