Driving Muriwai beach and finding your spot

Описание к видео Driving Muriwai beach and finding your spot

Hey guys

I have had a lot of questions via my channel and FB if I could put something together on how I drive Muriwai beach and also how I find my spots I like to fish.

Driving Muriwai - Crossing over to the beach is probably the hadest part - I like to cross behind the golf-course as it is pretty much over and done with in a minute. When wet you don't need to ruc=sh as the sand is more firm and hard packed. The softest part is the last 50mtrs or so just as you head over the brow towards the water, as you hit this section pick up a little more speed roughly around 50k's and you should be fine. Summer can be a little more diffacilt as the sand is silky dry smooth so common sense is needed here and driving in tracks already formed makes it a lot easier.

Driving Muriwai is pretty easy and the more you do the easier it will become - the best time is half tide out to half tide in, this gives you a good 6hrs on the beach. If it is a small tide and small swell then you can do an extra hour both sides to give you a good 8hr day.

I don't like driving any later due to having to drive the soft sand around the high tide mark - this is just personal preference but also a lot safer if you are new to it or want to know the best times to do it as safe as possible.

There isn't to much in the way of soft sand when following that tide line you just have to be aware there are some sunken objects that could burst your tyre - you can see these 99% of the time. Watch your speed and road rules apply.

Slow down when approaching other cars, people fishing or animals as you never really know if they have seen you. Be courtesy to other beach goers and defiantly slow right down when children are present.

Fishing - I like to fish further North rather than when you first hit the sand - I think at least 5K's up is the best time to start looking for your spots. Driving the beach at dead low will show you everything you need to see to fish this beach low or high.

Holes are hard to see sometimes when the tide is high but you can still make them out where the water is flat among waves. What happens is waves will break in the shallower water then when it hits a hole or channel the wave will bubble out go flat as it hits that deeper water then reform and break again - the low tide will show you the hole and then you can mark it by placing or noticing something you can use on a sand dune - then as the tide rises and you want to fish through the high come back to your marker knowing there will be a hole straight out in front of it.

The best advice I can give you for finding your spot is make the top of sand dunes your best friend - climbing one on that low tide to mid tide will not only give you a K or two of view along the beach but that view will show you all the channels, gutters, banks and holes.

I hope this little video helps and just remember this is how I do it not stating this is how you have to do it - we all have our own little tricks and times we like to do this.

Tight lines


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