reading & eating vlog! (reading Harry Potter for the first time & meal/snack ideas)

Описание к видео reading & eating vlog! (reading Harry Potter for the first time & meal/snack ideas)

hope you guys enjoy it!!

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Let’s be Friends!

♡ Instagram: @danifernandez.go   / danifernandez.go  
♡ Pinterest:   / danifernandez98  
♡ TikTok: @danifernandez.go   / danifernandez.go  
♡ For Business Inquiries Only: [email protected]

~Buy my favorite products:
~Buy my favorite protein bars use code 'DANI'

FAQ :)
How old are you? 26
How tall are you? 5’1
What camera do I use? Sony A6100
Where do you live? Georgia, USA.
What do you use to edit? Final cut pro

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietician. All the information that I share is based on my own experiences and should not be taken as professional advice.

I love you guys! I am just here to spread some love and positivity after struggling for years with not loving myself, and now on my way to become the best version of myself and taking you along with me on this journey of self-love, healing & fixing my relationship with food and exercise

Take care! HERE FOR YOU :)



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