One Year with NEXAT

Описание к видео One Year with NEXAT

The NEXAT System

The NEXAT System is a globally unique, holistic plant production system. The disruptive principle is simple: one for all - all for one. NEXAT combines all the application steps that previously required a wide variety of agricultural machinery into a single system.

NEXAT's innovative crop production system is based on Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF). The entire arable area is permanently divided into fixed driving and growing areas to reduce soil compaction to the driving area only. This protects the soil structure, improves water infiltration and water retention capacity, and protects against erosion. CTF is made possible by high-precision, satellite-based track guidance systems. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits to crop production, with increases in soil health and yields, as well as savings in production resources, as a result of switching to Controlled Traffic Farming.

#NEXAT #agriculture #farming #regenerativefarming #agribusiness #innovation #controlledtrafficfarming


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